As someone running an operation that sells packaged foods, you have a lot of responsibility focused around quality assurance and compliance measures. Whether you’re a small local vendor, or distributing around the globe, Trelfa Labs will assist you in making sure that your products are shipped with confidence. We offer food safety consulting, employee and management training, and auditing services for everything from labeling to developing food safety programs for both the US and abroad.
And, if you should ever find yourself facing a recall, Jon can act as your liaison with the FDA & USDA officials.
Food Retailers Served
Large Food Service Operations
- grocery stores
- restaurants
- supermarkets
- warehouse clubs
Small Food Service Operations
- bakeries
- butchers
- convenience stores
- delis
- farms
- markets
Food Safety Consulting Services
Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI):
Trelfa Labs will ensure your have purchasing to shipping compliance through:
- gap analysis
- procedure writing and implementation
- food safety training
Trelfa Labs will develop or audit a Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP) and/or Seafood HACCP Program, which include the following prerequisites:
- Good Manufacturing Practices (GMPs)
- Standard Sanitary Operating Procedures (SSOPs)
- Pest Control (structure, storage, vendor selection)
- Product Identification
- Tracability & Recall (product flow, record keeping, shipping & receiving)
- Preventive Maintenance (equipment, systems, structure of facility, warehousing)
- Policies & Procedures (personnel practices)
- Education & Training (hygiene, handling, cross contamination prevention)
Active Managerial Control (AMC)
Liaison & Crisis Resolution Services
Jon Trelfa has worked side by side with local and federal professionals for more than 15 years. His strong and professional rapport will improve your reputation as a responsible company, while saving you time, money, and frustration.
Jon will act as a liaison between your facility and the USDA and/or FDA. He will carefully explain the steps you are taking toward containment and ensure officials of future prevention based on your corrective actions.
Product Labeling
Trelfa Labs will assist with your USDA and FDA compliance of:
- formatting
- ingredients
- nutrition
- FALCPA (allergen labeling)
Other Services
Laboratory Analysis to analyze both your facility’s contact surfaces and food products